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Eben-Ezer Christian School "Thus far has the Lord helped us" 1 Samuel 7:12
Reformed Covenantal Education
We value the Word of God highly. Reformed Christianity is the heart of historical evangelicalism, and to be Reformed is to be nothing other than biblical. The Bible guides all of our activity in and around EECS. God made a promise in the Bible, “I will be your God, and you will be My people.” This is the covenant. As part of this covenant parents were instructed to teach their children, and raise them in the fear of the LORD. Here at EECS we promote the relationship of the home and the local church in teaching our children. Education is a necessary and valuable part of our children being able to understand how God works in this world. Here at EECS our small class sizes and dedicated teachers provide our children with a more individual, attentive, education.
"It is our goal that our children attain understanding, wisdom and righteousness to perform responsible and thankful service to the Lord in every aspect of their lives."
A Bit More About Us The doors of Eben-Ezer Christian School opened on September 5, 1973. The building was formerly used as the Taylor Avenue Public School, which the school society bought and moved to its current location. It consisted of two classrooms on the main level, as well as two washrooms, and a very small office. A basement housed a classroom, a library, and a meeting room. With the blessing of growth came a necessary addition in 1977 where two classrooms and a gymnasium-auditorium was added. More recently, a computer lab, staff room and new entry were constructed. Over 40 years later, the doors remain open and our foundation and goals remain the same. As a school, we are scriptural - based on the infallible Word of God. We affirm the great truths of the Protestant Reformation as summarized in the Three Forms of Unity (the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dort, the Belgic Confession) and the Westminster Confession. And we strive to be consistent with the God-centered teaching received at home and church. EECS is also a Parental school, allowing many opportunities for you, as parents, to be involved in school life. From serving on committees, chaperoning school trips or helping coach a sports team, we encourage your involvement! When the school first opened, seven submissions were made for possible names. “Eben-Ezer” was chosen, taken from 1 Samuel 7:12 – “And he named it Ebenezer saying, ‘Thus far has the Lord helped us.’” The very first school board saw how richly we had been blessed as a school society. And the name is just as appropriate over 40 years later, for the Lord continues to help and bless us. We thank the Lord that He has made it possible for us to continue operating this Christian school and look forward to many more years of instructing His covenant children not only in the “three R’s”, but also in the fear of His Name.
Links for more info: Heidelberg Catechism Canons of Dort Belgic Confession Westminster Standards
Eben-Ezer Christian School is a small school with a big mission. 485 McNaughton Ave. E., Chatham, ON N7L 2H2 | Phone > 519.354.1142 Email >